Did you enjoy your stay? Where can we improve?
You - our guests - are very important to us. We take your opinion, impressions and recommendations very seriously. We would like you to feel at home at our hotel. Therefore, we welcome any feedback, suggestions or recommendation from you.
Please let us know your opinion; whether online via various travel or booking sites, at the reception desk in the relexa hotel or by completing a small guest questionnaire, which you can find in our hotel room.
We would like to make good things even better for you and improve on what is not good enough yet.
With your impressions and feedback we can always improve ourselves and make your stay with us even more enjoyable. Be very open – criticism is just as important as your praise. Both help us to meet your needs and expectations better and maintain our high standards of service, and offer value and quality.
You can rely on honesty and appreciation
Authentic and honest reviews are very important to us. Review sites such HolidayCheck are very conscientious in controlling all guest reviews. Neither self-written reviews with flattering comments nor slanderous reviews from the competition have any opportunity here. This is especially important to us because your real opinion matters - even if not everything went according to how you were used to it before.
We very much appreciate your feedback, suggestions and your effort. For that reason, we not just read all our reviews thoroughly, but also comment and evaluate them internally. Your praise as well as criticism is given to our relexa teams to ensure we have the opportunity to improve our service.
Das schätzen unsere Gäste an uns
What our guests have said
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Ihr relexa Waldhotel Schatten
Wir streben immer danach, unseren Gästen, einen exzellenten und Erinnerungsreichen Aufenthalt zu gewährleisten, deshalb tut es uns umso mehr leid, dass Sie mit Ihrem Aufenthalt in unserem Hause nicht zufrieden waren.
Sie können sich sicher sein, dass wir uns Ihre wertvollen Hinweise zu Herzen nehmen und dazu mit dem betroffenen Abteilungsleiter im Gespräch waren. Sie haben Ihr Anliegen mit den Mitarbeitern bereits eingehend besprochen und wird dafür Sorge tragen, dass sich ähnliche Vorkommnisse in Zukunft nicht wiederholen.
Für die entstandene Unannehmlichkeiten und möchten uns hiermit natürlich in aller Form bei Ihnen entschuldigen.
Sehr geehrter Herr Krause, wir nehmen Ihre Kritik und Anregungen sehr ernst und hoffen, dass Sie sich bei einem weiteren Besuch unseres Hauses von der Verbesserung der angesprochenen Punkte überzeugen können.
Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Ihr Relexa Waldhotel Schatten Team
Ihre konstruktive Kritik haben wir sowohl an unseren Restaurantleiter als auch an unseren Küchenchef weitergegeben. Die von Ihnen wahrgenommene Serviceleistung entspricht natürlich nicht unserem Standard und wir werden unser Personal diesbezüglich nochmals gezielt schulen.
Wir bedauern diese Unannehmlichkeiten sehr und möchten Sie bitten, diese in aller Form zu entschuldigen.
In den vergangenen Jahren haben wir zahlreiche Renovierungsmaßnahmen in unserem Haus vorgenommen, damit dieses weiterhin attraktiv für unsere Gäste bleibt. Auch in den nächsten Monaten werden wir uns nicht ausruhen, sondern weitere Maßnahmen treffen, um Sie als Gast zufrieden zu stellen. Seien Sie versichert, dass wir alles dafür tun werden, damit Sie sich bei Ihrem nächsten Aufenthalt bei uns wohl fühlen werden. Liebe Sophia , wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie uns erneut Gelegenheit geben, Sie von unseren Leistungen zu überzeugen und wir Sie bald wieder bei uns begrüßen dürfen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Ihr relexa Waldhotel Team
Vielen Dank für die gute Bewertung, die Sie unserem Hotel gegeben haben. Wir freuen uns, dass Ihnen der Aufenthalt bei uns gefallen hat und hoffen, Sie bald wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen!
We apologize that your room did not match the pictures. We offer five different room categories and are continuously working on renovating and improving all rooms to provide a comfortable stay for our guests.
We regret that your room did not have air conditioning. We openly communicate this information on our homepage and all booking portals. Nevertheless, we are examining how we can improve this in the future.
We are sorry that your dinner and breakfast were not satisfactory. We source our products exclusively from reputable suppliers to ensure the highest quality. We have forwarded your comments regarding quality and hygiene to our kitchen team to make immediate improvements.
We would be delighted if you could give us another chance to improve your impression. Please contact us directly at reservierung.stuttgart@relexa-hotel.de so that we can find a satisfactory solution for you.
Best regards,
I am sorry that your experience did not meet your expectations, please allow me to express my sincerest apologies.
With regret we have noted that our staff did not meet you as it corresponds to the standard of our house. We are very sorry for this. We have talked this with the department director in charge and will brief and coach our staff once again in a specific area.
We hope that you had a nice time in Stuttgart nevertheless overall and are of course at your disposal for any questions or further comments you may have.
es freut uns sehr zu lesen, wie wohl Sie sich bei uns gefühlt haben und wir Ihnen eine schöne Zeit bereiten konnten. Äußerst wichtig ist es, dass Sie sich gut aufgehoben gefühlt haben und wir Sie in allen Belangen unterstützen konnten. Wir würden uns freuen, Sie wieder als Gast bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen. Ihr relexa Waldhotel Schatten- Team
We will share your positive feedback with all of our colleagues.
We are looking foward to welcoming you again in our hotel or in one of the 9 other relexa hotels in Germany.
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
Wir nehmen Ihre Anmerkungen sehr ernst und schätzen Ihr Feedback zu den verschiedenen Bereichen unseres Hauses.
Wir danken Ihnen nochmals für Ihre konstruktive Kritik und Ihre Empfehlung. Es würde uns sehr freuen, Sie bald wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Vielleicht dürfen wir Sie wieder einmal bei uns verwöhnen oder in einem der anderen 9 relexa hotels in Deutschland begrüßen. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Ihr relexa Waldhotel Schatten- Team
vielen Dank für die gute Bewertung, die Sie unserem Hotel gegeben haben. Wir freuen uns, dass Ihnen der Aufenthalt bei uns gefallen hat und hoffen, Sie bald wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen!
Wir bedauern zutiefst, dass Sie den Eindruck hatten, dass unser Hotel nicht ausreichend investiert und gewartet wird. Wir möchten Ihnen versichern, dass die Zufriedenheit unserer Gäste oberste Priorität hat, und wir werden sicherstellen, dass Ihre Anmerkungen an das Management weitergeleitet werden, um notwendige Verbesserungen vorzunehmen.
Es ist bedauerlich zu hören, dass das Abendessen nicht Ihren Erwartungen entsprochen hat und dass Sie das Gefühl hatten, dass die Preise nicht angemessen sind. Wir werden Ihre Rückmeldung mit unserem Küchenteam teilen, um sicherzustellen, dass unsere Gerichte nicht nur qualitativ hochwertig sind, sondern auch ein angemessenes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis bieten.
Bezüglich des Parkens, möchten wir klarstellen, dass es sich bei dem Parkplatz nicht um einen hoteleigenen Parkplatz handelt. Wir übernehmen lediglich die Verwaltung der Tickets und die Abrechnung als Service für unsere Gäste. Dennoch verstehen wir, dass die zusätzlichen Kosten für das Parken Ihre Erfahrung beeinflusst haben, und wir werden prüfen, ob wir Möglichkeiten haben, diesen Prozess transparenter zu gestalten.
Nochmals vielen Dank für Ihr ehrliches Feedback, das uns dabei hilft, unseren Service zu verbessern. Wir hoffen, dass Sie uns in Zukunft erneut die Gelegenheit geben, Sie von unserem Hotel zu überzeugen.
Was die von Ihnen erwähnten Methoden betrifft, möchten wir betonen, dass der Flyer lediglich eine Motivation hervorbringen soll, und wie das Haus bewertet wird, jedem selbst überlassen ist. Unabhängig davon erhalten alle unsere Gäste als Wertschätzung ein Getränk. Wir bedauern zutiefst, dass Sie diesbezüglich enttäuscht wurden.
Wir hoffen, dass Sie dennoch insgesamt eine schöne Zeit in Stuttgart hatten, und stehen Ihnen für eventuelle Rückfragen oder weitere Anmerkungen selbstverständlich gerne zur Verfügung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
wir bedauern sehr, dass Ihnen die angebotenen Speisen nicht geschmeckt haben.
Es tut uns sehr leid und für die entstandene Unannehmlichkeiten und möchten uns hiermit natürlich in aller Form bei Ihnen entschuldigen.
Wir hoffen, dass Sie dennoch insgesamt eine schöne Zeit in Stuttgart hatten, und stehen Ihnen für eventuelle Rückfragen oder weitere Anmerkungen selbstverständlich gerne zur Verfügung.
schön, dass Sie sich in unserem Hause wohl gefühlt haben. Wir möchten Ihnen auf diesem Wege für Ihre positive Rückmeldung danken. Es hat uns viel Freude gemacht, Ihnen einen schönen Aufenthalt zu bereiten. Vielleicht dürfen wir Sie wieder einmal bei uns verwöhnen oder in einem der anderen 9 relexa hotels in Deutschland begrüßen. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Wir schätzen Ihr ehrliches Feedback und hoffen, dass Sie uns in der Zukunft eine weitere Chance geben, Ihr Vertrauen zu gewinnen. Sollten Sie weitere Anliegen haben, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Vielen Dank für die gute Bewertung, die Sie unserem Hotel gegeben haben. Wir freuen uns, dass Ihnen der Aufenthalt bei uns gefallen hat und hoffen, Sie bald wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen!
Wie wir anhand Ihrer Anmerkungen entnehmen können, haben Sie sich in Ihrem Hause nicht rundum wohl gefühlt. Dies bedauern wir sehr.
In den vergangenen Jahren haben wir zahlreiche Renovierungsmaßnahmen in unserem Haus vorgenommen, damit dieses weiterhin attraktiv für unsere Gäste bleibt. Auch in den nächsten Monaten werden wir uns nicht ausruhen, sondern weitere Maßnahmen treffen, um Sie als Gast zufrieden zu stellen.
Wir würden uns daher sehr freuen, wenn Sie uns erneut Gelegenheit geben, Sie von unseren Leistungen zu überzeugen und wir Sie bald wieder bei uns begrüßen dürfen.
Mit besten Grüßen,
vielen Dank für die gute Bewertung, die Sie unserem Hotel gegeben haben. Wir freuen uns, dass Ihnen der Aufenthalt bei uns gefallen hat und hoffen, Sie bald wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen!
vielen Dank für Ihre tolle Nachricht. Es freut uns sehr, dass Sie sich in unserem Hause wohl gefühlt haben. Es hat uns viel Spaß gemacht, Ihnen einen schönen Aufenthalt zu bereiten. Ihre positive Rückmeldung geben wir sehr gerne an alle Mitarbeiter weiter. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren nächsten Besuch bei uns!
es freut uns sehr zu lesen, wie wohl Sie sich bei uns gefühlt haben und dass wir Ihnen eine schöne Zeit bereiten konnten. Es hat uns viel Spaß gemacht! Die positive Rückmeldung geben wir sehr gerne an alle Mitarbeiter weiter.
Vielleicht dürfen wir Sie wieder einmal bei uns verwöhnen oder in einem der anderen 9 relexa hotels in Deutschland begrüßen. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Ihr relexa Waldhotel Schatten Team
Vielen Dank für Ihre Bewertung. Es freut mich zu hören, dass Sie mit der Qualität des Essens zufrieden waren. Sollten Sie in Zukunft auch Übernachtungen in Erwägung ziehen, hoffe ich, dass Ihr Aufenthalt genauso angenehm sein wird. Guten Appetit!
Mit Bedauern haben wir zur Kenntnis genommen, dass Ihnen unser Personal nicht so begegnete, wie es dem Standard unseres Hauses entspricht. Dies tut uns sehr leid. Wir haben dies mit der zuständigen Abteilungsleiterin besprochen und werden unser Personal nochmals gezielt einweisen und schulen.
Aufgrund der Waldrandlage des Hotels, können wir leider, an den Gegebenheiten nichts ändern. Auf unsere Homepage, empfehlen wir daher eine Anreise mit dem Taxi zu bevorzugen.
Es tut uns sehr leid und für die entstandene Unannehmlichkeiten und möchten uns hiermit natürlich in aller Form bei Ihnen entschuldigen.
Wir hoffen, dass Sie dennoch insgesamt eine schöne Zeit in Stuttgart hatten, und stehen Ihnen für eventuelle Rückfragen oder weitere Anmerkungen selbstverständlich gerne zur Verfügung.
Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback! Es freut uns zu hören, dass Sie unser freundliches Personal und die Sauberkeit unseres Hotels schätzen. Bezüglich der Betten tut es uns leid, dass Ihre Erfahrung nicht optimal war. Wir werden dies umgehend prüfen und Maßnahmen ergreifen, um den Schlafkomfort zu verbessern. Unsere Rezeption steht Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung, um Ihre Anliegen zu besprechen und sicherzustellen, dass Ihr nächster Aufenthalt Ihren Erwartungen entspricht. Wir schätzen Ihre Rückmeldung und hoffen, Sie bald wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen.
Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Ihr relexa Waldhotel Schatten Team
Vielen Dank für Ihr ausführliches Feedback. Hinsichtlich der Lage möchten wir darauf hinweisen, dass alle relevanten Informationen auf unserer Homepage verfügbar sind. In Bezug auf das "in die Jahre gekommen" bedauern wir, dass dieser Eindruck entstanden ist. Wir möchten betonen, dass wir kontinuierlich Renovierungen durchführen, um das Wohlbefinden unserer Gäste zu steigern. Ihre Rückmeldung ist uns wichtig, und wir werden sicherstellen, dass weitere Verbesserungen vorgenommen werden.
Wir wünschen Ihnen eine schöne Weihnachtszeit.
Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Ihr relexa Waldhotel Team
schön, dass Sie sich in unserem Hause wohl gefühlt haben. Wir möchten Ihnen auf diesem Wege für Ihre positive Rückmeldung danken. Es hat uns viel Freude gemacht, Ihnen einen schönen Aufenthalt zu bereiten. Vielleicht dürfen wir Sie wieder einmal bei uns verwöhnen oder in einem der anderen 9 relexa hotels in Deutschland begrüßen. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
schön, dass Sie sich in unserem Hause wohl gefühlt haben. Wir möchten Ihnen auf diesem Wege für Ihre positive Rückmeldung danken. Es hat uns viel Freude gemacht, Ihnen einen schönen Aufenthalt zu bereiten. Ihre wertvollen Hinweise haben wir bereits an die zuständigen Abteilungen weiterleitet.
wir freuen uns, wenn wir Sie demnächst wieder im relexa Waldhotel Schatten begrüßen und verwöhnen dürfen.
es freut uns sehr zu lesen, wie wohl Sie sich bei uns gefühlt haben und wir Ihnen eine schöne Zeit bereiten konnten. Äußerst wichtig ist es, dass Sie sich gut aufgehoben gefühlt haben und wir Sie in allen Belangen unterstützen konnten.
Zu dem Parkplatz vor unserem Haus möchten wir Ihnen mitteilen, dass dieser Privateigentum ist und wir in keinster Weise Einfluss darauf haben. Es ist uns lediglich gestattet die Parkscheine bei uns zu entwerten, so dass wir Ihnen diese Kosten auf die Gesamtrechnung setzen können.
Wir würden uns freuen, Sie wieder als Gast bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen. Ihr relexa Waldhotel Schatten- Team
Vielen Dank für die gute Bewertung, die Sie unserem Hotel gegeben haben. Wir freuen uns, dass Ihnen der Aufenthalt bei uns gefallen hat und hoffen, Sie bald wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen!
schön, dass Sie sich in unserem Hause wohl gefühlt haben. Wir möchten Ihnen auf diesem Wege für Ihre positive Rückmeldung danken. Wir leiten Ihre freundlichen Worte sehr gerne an alle unsere Mitarbeiter weiter.
Es hat uns viel Freude gemacht, Ihnen einen schönen Aufenthalt zu bereiten. Vielleicht dürfen wir Sie wieder einmal bei uns verwöhnen oder in einem der anderen 9 relexa hotels in Deutschland begrüßen.
Wir freuen uns auf Sie! Ihr Team vom relexa Waldhotel Schatten
Vielen Dank für die gute Bewertung, die Sie unserem Hotel gegeben haben. Wir freuen uns, dass Ihnen der Aufenthalt bei uns gefallen hat und hoffen, Sie bald wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen!
Ihr relexa Waldhotel Team
schön, dass Sie sich in unserem Hause wohl gefühlt haben. Wir möchten Ihnen auf diesem Wege für Ihre positive Rückmeldung danken. Wir leiten Ihre freundlichen Worte sehr gerne an alle unsere Mitarbeiter weiter.
Es hat uns viel Freude gemacht, Ihnen einen schönen Aufenthalt zu bereiten. Vielleicht dürfen wir Sie wieder einmal bei uns verwöhnen oder in einem der anderen 9 relexa hotels in Deutschland begrüßen.
Wir freuen uns auf Sie! Ihr Team vom relexa Waldhotel Schatten
schön, dass Sie sich in unserem Hause wohl gefühlt haben. Wir möchten Ihnen auf diesem Wege für Ihre positive Rückmeldung danken. Es hat uns viel Freude gemacht, Ihnen einen schönen Aufenthalt zu bereiten. Vielleicht dürfen wir Sie wieder einmal bei uns verwöhnen oder in einem der anderen 9 relexa hotels in Deutschland begrüßen. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Vielen Dank für die gute Bewertung, die Sie unserem Hotel gegeben haben. Wir freuen uns, dass Ihnen der Aufenthalt bei uns gefallen hat und hoffen, Sie bald wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen!
vielen Dank, dass Sie sich Zeit genommen haben, Ihr wertvolles Feedback mit uns zu teilen.
Wir schätzen ehrliche Bewertungen und möchten klarstellen, dass das kostenlose Getränk eine Geste der Wertschätzung für alle unsere Gäste ist. Es hat keinen Einfluss auf die Authentizität der Bewertungen. Ihre Anmerkungen zum Zimmer haben wir an die zuständige Abteilung weitergeleitet. Dennoch finden wir es schade, dass Sie uns nicht die Gelegenheit gegeben haben, direkt Vorort eine positive Veränderung für Sie zu erzielen. Unser Rezeptionsteam, steht Ihnen rund um die Uhr für jedes Anliegen zur Verfügung.
Wir hoffen, dass Sie dennoch insgesamt eine schöne Zeit in Stuttgart hatten, und stehen Ihnen für eventuelle Rückfragen oder weitere Anmerkungen selbstverständlich gerne zur Verfügung
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ihr relexa Waldhotel Team
Vielleicht dürfen wir Sie wieder einmal bei uns verwöhnen oder in einem der anderen 9 relexa hotels in Deutschland begrüßen. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Ihr relexa Waldhotel Schatten
Lieber Simon,
schön, dass Sie sich in unserem Hause wohl gefühlt haben. Wir möchten Ihnen auf diesem Wege für Ihre positive Rückmeldung danken. Wir leiten Ihre freundlichen Worte sehr gerne an alle unsere Mitarbeiter weiter.
Es hat uns viel Freude gemacht, Ihnen einen schönen Aufenthalt zu bereiten. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren nächsten Besuch bei uns!
Ihr relexa Waldhotel Schatten- Team
wir bedanken uns, dass Sie sich die Mühe gemacht haben, uns Ihre Eindrücke während Ihres Aufenthaltes in unserem Hause zu schildern. Ihre Meinung ist uns wichtig.
Mit Bedauern haben wir zur Kenntnis genommen, dass Ihnen unser Personal nicht so begegnete, wie es dem Standard unseres Hauses entspricht. Dies tut uns sehr leid. Wir haben Ihre Anmerkung mit unseren Abteilungsleitern besprochen und werden unser Personal darauf hinweisen und nochmals gezielt schulen.
Zu dem Parkplatz vor unserem Haus möchten wir Ihnen mitteilen, dass dieser in Privatbesitz ist und wir keinen Einfluss darauf haben (weder auf die Preisgestaltung, noch auf die Handhabung). Es ist uns lediglich gestattet die Parkscheine bei uns zu entwerten, so dass wir Ihnen diese Kosten verrechnen können.
Über Ihre weiteren positiven Bewertungen haben wir uns sehr gefreut und sie gerne mit unseren Mitarbeitern geteilt.
Wir würden uns freuen, wenn wir Sie in Zukunft wieder im relexa Waldhotel Schatten begrüßen dürfen.
vielen Dank für die gute Bewertung, die Sie unserem Hotel gegeben haben. Wir freuen uns, dass Ihnen der Aufenthalt bei uns gefallen hat und hoffen, Sie bald wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen!
Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Ihr relexa Waldhotel Schatten Team
vielen Dank, dass Sie sich Zeit genommen haben, Ihr wertvolles Feedback mit uns zu teilen.
Sie können sich sicher sein, dass wir uns Ihre wertvollen Hinweise zu Herzen nehmen und dazu mit dem betroffenen Abteilungsleiter im Gespräch waren. Sie haben Ihr Anliegen mit den Mitarbeitern bereits eingehend besprochen und wird dafür Sorge tragen, dass sich ähnliche Vorkommnisse in Zukunft nicht wiederholen.
Für die entstandene Unannehmlichkeiten und möchten uns hiermit natürlich in aller Form bei Ihnen entschuldigen.
Wir nehmen Ihre Kritik und Anregungen sehr ernst und hoffen, dass Sie sich bei einem weiteren Besuch unseres Hauses von der Verbesserung der angesprochenen Punkte überzeugen können.
Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Ihr relexa Waldhotel Schatten Team
es freut uns sehr zu lesen, wie wohl Sie sich bei uns gefühlt haben und dass wir Ihnen eine schöne Zeit bereiten konnten. Es hat uns viel Spaß gemacht! Die positive Rückmeldung geben wir sehr gerne an alle Mitarbeiter weiter.
Vielleicht dürfen wir Sie wieder einmal bei uns verwöhnen oder in einem der anderen 9 relexa hotels in Deutschland begrüßen. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Ihr relexa Waldhotel Schatten
schön, dass Sie sich in unserem Hause wohl gefühlt haben. Wir möchten Ihnen auf diesem Wege für Ihre positive Rückmeldung danken. Es hat uns viel Freude gemacht, Ihnen einen schönen Aufenthalt zu bereiten. Vielleicht dürfen wir Sie wieder einmal bei uns verwöhnen oder in einem der anderen 9 relexa hotels in Deutschland begrüßen. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
we are very pleased to know how you enjoyed your stay at our hotel and that we could provide you with a great stay.
We will share your positive feedback with all of our colleagues.
We are looking foward to welcoming you again in our hotel or in one of the 9 other relexa hotels in Germany.
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback zu Ihrem Aufenthalt in unserem Hause. Wie wir anhand Ihrer Anmerkungen entnehmen können, haben Sie sich in unserem Hause nicht wohl gefühlt. Dies tut uns sehr leid.
Mit Bedauern haben wir zur Kenntnis genommen, dass Ihnen unser Servicepersonal nicht so begegnete, wie es dem Standard unseres Hauses entspricht. Wir bitten, dies zu entschuldigen. Wir haben mit unserem Restaurantleiter gesprochen und werden unser Servicepersonal nochmals verstärkt darauf aufmerksam machen.
Wir bedanken uns für das entgegengebrachte Vertrauen und freuen uns, wenn Sie uns Gelegenheit geben, Sie bei Ihrem nächsten Besuch von unserem Service zu überzeugen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ihr relexa Waldhotel Team
es freut uns sehr zu lesen, wie wohl Sie sich bei uns gefühlt haben und wir Ihnen eine schöne Zeit bereiten konnten. Äußerst wichtig ist es, dass Sie sich gut aufgehoben gefühlt haben und wir Sie in allen Belangen unterstützen konnten. Wir würden uns freuen, Sie wieder als Gast bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen. Ihr relexa Waldhotel Schatten- Team
es freut uns sehr zu lesen, wie wohl Sie sich bei uns gefühlt haben und dass wir Ihnen eine schöne Zeit bereiten konnten. Es hat uns viel Spaß gemacht! Die positive Rückmeldung geben wir sehr gerne an alle Mitarbeiter weiter.
Vielleicht dürfen wir Sie wieder einmal bei uns verwöhnen oder in einem der anderen 9 relexa hotels in Deutschland begrüßen. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Ihr relexa Waldhotel Schatten
vielen Dank, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, unser Hotel zu bewerten. Ihre Rückmeldung ist sehr wichtig für uns, da sie uns hilft, Schwachstellen in unseren Abläufen zu erkennen, und so unseren Service stetig zu verbessern.
Die von Ihnen genannte Preise, sind unsere reguläre marktübliche Preise. Sie können sicher sein, dass unsere Preise dem Markt in Stuttgart und Umgebung angepasst wurden.
Wir hoffen, Sie schon bald wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ihr relexa Waldhotel Schatten Team
vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback zu Ihrem Aufenthalt in unserem Haus. Ihre Beurteilungen sind uns wichtig.
Wie wir anhand Ihrer Anmerkungen entnehmen können, haben Sie sich in Ihrem Hause nicht rundum wohl gefühlt. Dies bedauern wir sehr.
In den vergangenen Jahren haben wir zahlreiche Renovierungsmaßnahmen in unserem Haus vorgenommen, damit dieses weiterhin attraktiv für unsere Gäste bleibt. Auch in den nächsten Monaten werden wir uns nicht ausruhen, sondern weitere Maßnahmen treffen, um Sie als Gast zufrieden zu stellen.
Ihre Kritik zur Sauberkeit haben wir an unsere Hausdame weitergeleitet. Wir werden unsere Zimmer in Zukunft noch besser kontrollieren, um solche Fehler zu vermeiden. Die Unannehmlichkeiten bedauern wir sehr und möchten Sie bitten, diese in aller Form zu entschuldigen
Wir würden uns daher sehr freuen, wenn Sie uns erneut Gelegenheit geben, Sie von unseren Leistungen zu überzeugen und wir Sie bald wieder bei uns begrüßen dürfen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ihr relexa Waldhotel Schatten Team
schön, dass Sie sich in unserem Hause wohl gefühlt haben. Wir möchten Ihnen auf diesem Wege für Ihre positive Rückmeldung danken. Es hat uns viel Freude gemacht, Ihnen einen schönen Aufenthalt zu bereiten.
wir freuen uns, wenn wir Sie demnächst wieder im relexa Waldhotel Schatten begrüßen und verwöhnen dürfen.
vielen Dank für die gute Bewertung, die Sie unserem Hotel gegeben haben. Wir freuen uns, dass Ihnen der Aufenthalt bei uns gefallen hat und hoffen, Sie bald wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen!
es freut uns sehr zu lesen, wie wohl Sie sich bei uns gefühlt haben und dass wir Ihnen eine schöne Zeit bereiten konnten. Es hat uns viel Spaß gemacht! Die positive Rückmeldung geben wir sehr gerne an alle Mitarbeiter weiter.
Vielleicht dürfen wir Sie wieder einmal bei uns verwöhnen oder in einem der anderen 9 relexa hotels in Deutschland begrüßen. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Ihr relexa Waldhotel Schatten
schön, dass Sie sich in unserem Hause wohl gefühlt haben. Wir möchten Ihnen auf diesem Wege für Ihre positive Rückmeldung danken. Es hat uns viel Freude gemacht, Ihnen einen schönen Aufenthalt zu bereiten. Vielleicht dürfen wir Sie wieder einmal bei uns verwöhnen oder in einem der anderen 9 relexa hotels in Deutschland begrüßen. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
schön, dass Sie sich in unserem Hause wohl gefühlt haben. Wir möchten Ihnen auf diesem Wege für Ihre positive Rückmeldung danken. Es hat uns viel Freude gemacht, Ihnen einen schönen Aufenthalt zu bereiten. Vielleicht dürfen wir Sie wieder einmal bei uns verwöhnen oder in einem der anderen 9 relexa hotels in Deutschland begrüßen. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
schön, dass Sie sich in unserem Hause wohl gefühlt haben. Wir möchten Ihnen auf diesem Wege für Ihre positive Rückmeldung danken. Es hat uns viel Freude gemacht, Ihnen einen schönen Aufenthalt zu bereiten. Ihre wertvollen Hinweise haben wir bereits an die zuständigen Abteilungen weiterleitet.
wir freuen uns, wenn wir Sie demnächst wieder im relexa Waldhotel Schatten begrüßen und verwöhnen dürfen.
vielen Dank, dass Sie sich Zeit genommen haben, Ihr wertvolles Feedback mit uns zu teilen.
Wir streben immer danach, unseren Gästen, einen exzellenten und Erinnerungsreichen Aufenthalt zu gewährleisten, deshalb tut es uns umso mehr leid, dass Sie mit Ihrem Aufenthalt in unserem Hause nicht zufrieden waren.
Mit Bedauern haben wir zur Kenntnis genommen, dass während Ihres Aufenthaltes so viel schiefgelaufen ist. Dies entspricht nicht dem Standard unseres Hauses. Dies tut uns sehr leid.
Wir können Ihren Ärger und die Enttäuschung sehr gut nachvollziehen. Sie können sich sicher sein, dass wir uns Ihre wertvollen Anmerkungen zu Herzen nehmen und dazu mit dem betroffenen Abteilungsleiter im Gespräch waren. Sie haben Ihr Anliegen mit den Mitarbeitern bereits eingehend besprochen und wird dafür Sorge tragen, dass sich ähnliche Vorkommnisse in Zukunft nicht wiederholen.
Für die entstandene Unannehmlichkeiten und möchten uns hiermit natürlich in aller Form bei Ihnen entschuldigen.
Sehr geehrter Herr Zeltwanger,wir nehmen Ihre Kritik und Anregungen sehr ernst und hoffen, dass Sie sich bei einem weiteren Besuch unseres Hauses von der Verbesserung der angesprochenen Punkte überzeugen können.
Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Ihr relexa Waldhotel Schatten Team
es freut uns sehr zu lesen, wie wohl Sie sich bei uns gefühlt haben und dass wir Ihnen eine schöne Zeit bereiten konnten. Es hat uns viel Spaß gemacht! Die positive Rückmeldung geben wir sehr gerne an alle Mitarbeiter weiter.
Vielleicht dürfen wir Sie wieder einmal bei uns verwöhnen oder in einem der anderen 9 relexa hotels in Deutschland begrüßen. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Ihr relexa Waldhotel Schatten
Glad you felt comfortable in our house. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your positive feedback. It was a great pleasure for us to ensure you had a wonderful stay. Maybe we can pamper you again or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to seeing you!
Dear guest, we're glad you felt comfortable in our house. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your positive feedback. It was a great pleasure for us to ensure you had a wonderful stay. Maybe we can pamper you again or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to seeing you!
Glad you felt comfortable in our house. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your positive feedback. It was a great pleasure for us to ensure you had a wonderful stay.
We look forward to welcoming and pampering you again soon at the relexa Waldhotel Schatten.
With kind regards
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
Thank you for the good rating you gave our hotel. We are delighted that you enjoyed your stay with us and we hope to welcome you back again soon!
nice that you felt comfortable in our house. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your positive feedback. It was a pleasure for us to make your stay a pleasant one. We have already forwarded your valuable information to the responsible departments. Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
nice that you felt comfortable in our house. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your positive feedback. It was a pleasure for us to make your stay a pleasant one. We have already forwarded your valuable information to the responsible departments. Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
Thank you for the good rating you gave our hotel. We are delighted that you enjoyed your stay with us and we hope to welcome you back again soon!
Your relexa Waldhotel Stuttgart team
we are very pleased to know how you enjoyed your stay at our hotel and that we could provide you with a great stay.
We will share your positive feedback with all of our colleagues.
We are looking foward to welcoming you again in our hotel or in one of the 9 other relexa hotels in Germany.
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
Thank you for taking the time to rate our hotel. Your feedback is very important to us as it helps us to identify weaknesses in our processes and thus continually improve our service.
What did you miss? And how can we improve our service to you? We would be very happy if you find time for the feedback. You are welcome to contact us by phone or email.
we are at your disposal at any time.
With kind regards
Your relexa Waldhotel Stuttgart team
nice that you felt comfortable in our house. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your positive feedback. It was a pleasure for us to make your stay a pleasant one. We have already forwarded your valuable information to the responsible department. Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
Thank you for the good rating you gave our hotel. We are delighted that you enjoyed your stay with us and we hope to welcome you back again soon!
With kind regards
Your relexa forest hotel team
nice that you felt comfortable in our house. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your positive feedback. It was a pleasure for us to make your stay a pleasant one. Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
With kind regards
Your relexa forest hotel team
We are very pleased to read how comfortable you felt with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It was a lot of fun! We are happy to pass on the positive feedback to all employees.
Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
We are very pleased to read how comfortable you felt with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It was a lot of fun! We are happy to pass on the positive feedback to all employees.
Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
We are very pleased to read how comfortable you felt with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It was a lot of fun! We are happy to pass on the positive feedback to all employees.
Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
Thank you for taking the time to rate our hotel. Your feedback is very important to us as it helps us to identify weaknesses in our processes and thus continually improve our service. Unfortunately you didn't provide any information.
What did you miss? And how can we improve our service to you? We would be very happy if you find time for the feedback. You are welcome to contact us by phone or email.
we are at your disposal at any time.
With kind regards
Your relexa Waldhotel Stuttgart team
We are very pleased to read how comfortable you felt with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It was a lot of fun! We are happy to pass on the positive feedback to all employees.
Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
nice that you felt comfortable in our house. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your positive feedback. It was a pleasure for us to make your stay a pleasant one. We have already forwarded your valuable information to the responsible departments. Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
nice that you felt comfortable in our house. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your positive feedback. It was a pleasure for us to make your stay a pleasant one. We have already forwarded your valuable information to the responsible departments. Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
Best regards
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten Stuttgart
we are very pleased to know how you enjoyed your stay at our hotel and that we could provide you with a great stay.
We will share your positive feedback with all of our colleagues.
We are looking foward to welcoming you again in our hotel or in one of the 9 other relexa hotels in Germany.
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
Thank you for the good rating you gave our hotel. We are delighted that you enjoyed your stay with us and we hope to welcome you back again soon!
With kind regards
Your relexa forest hotel team
Thank you for your feedback on your stay in our house.
We are pleased that you liked the friendliness of our staff. We are happy to pass this on to our colleagues.
However, we very much regret that not everything was to your satisfaction.
In recent years we have carried out numerous renovation measures in our house so that it remains attractive for our guests.
Currently, our suites are being repainted.
We will not rest in the coming months either, but will take further measures to satisfy you as a guest.
Dear Klaus, we hope you still had a pleasant stay in Stuttgart.
We would be very happy to welcome you again in our house.
For further questions I am gladly at your disposal
Your relexa forest hotel team
Thank you for your kind message. We are very pleased that you felt comfortable in our house. It was a lot of fun for us to prepare you a nice stay. We are happy to pass on your positive feedback to all employees.
We look forward to welcoming and pampering you again at the relexa Waldhotel Schatten.
Your team from the relexa Waldhotel Schatten
We are very pleased to read how comfortable you felt with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It was a lot of fun! We are happy to pass on the positive feedback to all employees.
Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
nice that you felt comfortable in our house. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your positive feedback. It was a pleasure for us to make your stay a pleasant one. Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
With kind regards
We are very pleased to read how comfortable you felt with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It was a lot of fun! We are happy to pass on the positive feedback to all employees.
Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
Thank you for your feedback on your stay in our house. Your reviews are important to us.
As we can see from your comments, you did not feel completely comfortable in your home. We very much regret this.
In recent years we have carried out numerous renovation measures in our house so that it remains attractive for our guests. At the moment all of our suites are being repainted. We will not rest in the coming months either, but will take further measures to satisfy you as a guest.
We would therefore be very pleased if you would give us another opportunity to convince you of our services and if we could welcome you again soon.
With best regards
Your relexa forest hotel team
We are very pleased to read how comfortable you felt with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It was a lot of fun! We are happy to pass on the positive feedback to all employees.
Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
Thank you for your great review. We are very pleased that you felt comfortable in our house. It was a lot of fun for us to prepare you a nice stay. We are happy to pass on your positive feedback to all employees.
We look forward to welcoming and pampering you again at the relexa Waldhotel Schatten.
Your team from the relexa Waldhotel Schatten
nice that you felt comfortable in our house. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your positive feedback. We will be more than happy to pass on your kind words to all of our staff.
It was a pleasure for us to make your stay a pleasant one. Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany.
We look forward to you! Your team from the relexa Waldhotel Schatten
We are very pleased to read how comfortable you felt with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It was a lot of fun! We are happy to pass on the positive feedback to all employees.
Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
Thank you for the good rating you gave our hotel. We are glad that you enjoyed your stay with us and we hope to welcome you again soon!
With kind regards
Your relexa forest hotel team
We are very pleased to read how comfortable you felt with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It was a lot of fun! We are happy to pass on the positive feedback to all employees. Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany.
We look forward to you!
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
We are very pleased to read how comfortable you felt with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It was a lot of fun! We are happy to pass on the positive feedback to all employees. Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany.
We look forward to you!
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
Thank you for the good rating you gave our hotel. We are glad that you enjoyed your stay with us and we hope to welcome you again soon!
Your relexa forest hotel team
Thank you for taking the time to share your valuable feedback with us.
We always strive to ensure that our guests have an excellent and memorable stay, so we are all the more sorry that you were not satisfied with your stay in our house.
You can be sure that we will take your valuable comments to heart and have spoken to the department head concerned. You have already discussed your concern with the employees in detail and will ensure that similar incidents do not happen again in the future.
We would like to apologize in all forms for the inconvenience caused.
Dear Saskia, we take your criticism and suggestions very seriously and hope that you will be able to convince yourself of the improvement of the points mentioned when you visit our house again.
With kind regards
Your Relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
Thank you for your feedback on your stay in our house. Your reviews are important to us.
As we can see from your comments, you did not feel completely comfortable in your home. We very much regret this.
In recent years we have carried out numerous renovation measures in our house so that it remains attractive for our guests. At the moment all our suites are being cancelled. We will not rest in the coming months either, but will take further measures to satisfy you as a guest.
We would therefore be very pleased if you would give us another opportunity to convince you of our services and if we could welcome you again soon.
Best regards,
Your relexa forest hotel team
Thank you for your feedback on your stay in our house. Unfortunately, you didn't give any details about what you didn't like about our hotel. However, we would like to know what exactly we need to improve so that you are satisfied and would rate us better. You can contact us at any time, we look forward to your reply. Many thanks for your help.
Best regards,
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
we are very pleased to know how you enjoyed your stay at our hotel and that we could provide you with a great stay.
We will share your positive feedback with all of our colleagues.
We are looking foward to welcoming you again in our hotel or in one of the 9 other relexa hotels in Germany.
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
nice that you felt comfortable in our house. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your positive feedback. It was a pleasure for us to make your stay a pleasant one. Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 8 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
We are very pleased to read how comfortable you felt with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It was a lot of fun! We are happy to pass on the positive feedback to all employees.
Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
thank you very much for your feedback about your stay in our hotel. We are sorry to read that your stay was not to your full satisfaction.
Thank you for your comments. Only with your critique we are able to improve our standards continually.
We would be pleased to welcome you again in the relexa Waldhotel Schatten or in one of our 9 other relexa hotels in Germany.
Kind regards,
Your relexa Waldhotel Team
Thank you for the good rating you gave our hotel. We are glad that you enjoyed your stay with us and we hope to welcome you again soon!
With kind regards
Your relexa forest hotel team
thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. We hope to welcome you back to our hotel very soon!
We will gladly forward your compliments to our staff and we would be pleased to welcome you again at the relexa Waldhotel Schatten in the near future.
Kind regards,
We are very pleased to read how comfortable you felt with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It was a lot of fun! We are happy to pass on the positive feedback to all employees.
Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
Thank you for taking the time to write to us about your impressions of your stay. Your assessments are important to us and only with your constructive criticism are we able to continually review and improve our services.
However, we also regret to note that you did not feel completely comfortable during your stay.
We have passed on your criticism of the food to our chef. The performance you have experienced is not up to our standard and we apologize for that. We will train our staff again in this regard.
We would be pleased if we could convince you again of our services and welcome you back to our house.
Best regards,
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
We are very pleased to read how comfortable you felt with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It was a lot of fun! We are happy to pass on the positive feedback to all employees.
Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
We are very pleased to read how comfortable you felt with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It was a lot of fun! We are happy to pass on the positive feedback to all employees.
Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
nice that you felt comfortable in our house. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your positive feedback. It was a pleasure for us to make your stay a pleasant one. Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
Best regards
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
We are very pleased to read how comfortable you felt with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It was a lot of fun! We are happy to pass on the positive feedback to all employees.
Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
We are very pleased to read how comfortable you felt with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It was a lot of fun! We are happy to pass on the positive feedback to all employees.
Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
We are very pleased to read that you felt comfortable with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It is extremely important that you felt that you were in good hands and that we were able to support you in all matters. Thank you for adjusting the rating.
Dear Daniela, we would be happy to welcome you again as our guest. Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
nice that you felt comfortable in our house. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your positive feedback. It was a pleasure for us to make your stay a pleasant one. Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
Your relexa forest hotel team
Thank you for the good rating you gave our hotel. We are glad that you enjoyed your stay with us and we hope to welcome you again soon!
With kind regards
Your relexa forest hotel team
nice that you felt comfortable in our house. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your positive feedback. It was a pleasure for us to make your stay a pleasant one. Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany
With kind regards
Your relexa forest hotel team
Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry to read that your stay was not to your full satisfaction.
Unfortunately, due to the hotel's location on the edge of the forest, we cannot change anything about the circumstances. On our homepage, we therefore recommend arriving by taxi.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused and would like to apologize to you in all forms.
Dear Ms. Ellot, we hope that you still had a good time in Stuttgart, and we are of course at your disposal for any questions or further comments.
With kind regards
Your relexa Waldhotel Stuttgart team
Thank you for your feedback on your stay in our house. We are glad that you enjoyed the breakfast and the service. We were happy to pass on your praise to our colleagues.
In recent years we have carried out numerous renovation measures in our house so that it remains attractive for our guests. We will not rest in the coming months either, but will take further measures to satisfy you as a guest.
Dear Chris Lu, we would be happy to welcome and pamper you again as a guest in our house or in one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany.
Best regards,
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
Thank you for taking the time to share your valuable feedback with us.
We always strive to ensure that our guests have an excellent and memorable stay, so we are all the more sorry that you were not satisfied with your stay in our house.
You can be sure that we will take your valuable comments to heart and have spoken to the department head concerned. You have already discussed your concern with the employees in detail and will ensure that similar incidents do not happen again in the future.
We would like to apologize in all forms for the inconvenience caused.
In recent years we have carried out numerous renovation measures in our house so that it remains attractive for our guests.
Currently, our suites are being repainted.
We will not rest in the coming months either, but will take further measures to satisfy you as a guest.
Dear Mr. Göbel, we take your criticism and suggestions very seriously and hope that you will be able to convince yourself of the improvement in the points mentioned when you visit our company again.
Best regards
Your relexa Waldhotel Stuttgart team
Thank you for taking the time to rate our hotel. Your feedback is very important to us as it helps us to identify weaknesses in our processes and thus continually improve our service.
We have checked your reservation again. According to Booking, a booking was made exclusive of breakfast. As I was able to determine in the system, you booked breakfast later on site.
We regret that the water in the toilet ran continuously in your room. The technical department was informed on the same day to rectify the error.
We are very sorry that the repair was carried out so late, we would like to sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this caused.
Dear Mr. Mones, please be assured that we will take your valuable advice to heart and will ensure that such problems are permanently resolved.
For further questions and suggestions do not hesitate to contact us.
We hope to welcome you again soon.
With kind regards
Your relexa Waldhotel team in Stuttgart
vielen Dank für die Zeit, die Sie sich genommen haben, um uns Ihre Eindrücke während Ihres Aufenthaltes in unserem Hause zu schildern. Ihre Beurteilungen sind uns wichtig. Wie wir erkennen können, haben Sie sich anlässlich Ihres Aufenthaltes in unserem Hause nicht wohl gefühlt. Dies tut uns sehr leid.
Nach Rücksprache mit unseren Küchenchef, wurde mir folgendes Buffet bestätigt. Eine Suppe, ein Fisch- ,Fleisch- und ein vegetarisches Gericht. Verschiedene Beilagen, wie Basmatireis, Erbsen, Drillinge, Gemüse, Kohlrabi und die jeweiligen Saucen dazu. Sowie 5 verschiede Desserts.
Wir bedauern sehr, dass Ihnen die Auswahl nicht zugesagt hat.
Für die Unannehmlichkeiten möchten wir uns bei Ihnen, in aller Form entschuldigen.
Sehr geehrter Herr Gentz, wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie uns erneut Gelegenheit geben, Sie von unseren Leistungen zu überzeugen und wir Sie bald wieder bei uns begrüßen dürfen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Ihr Team vom relexa Waldhotel Schatten
vielen Dank, dass Sie sich Zeit genommen haben, Ihr wertvolles Feedback mit uns zu teilen.
Wir streben immer danach, unseren Gästen, einen exzellenten und Erinnerungsreichen Aufenthalt zu gewährleisten, deshalb tut es uns umso mehr leid, dass Sie mit Ihrem Aufenthalt in unserem Hause nicht zufrieden waren.
Mit Bedauern haben wir zur Kenntnis genommen, dass während Ihres Aufenthaltes das gebuchte Arrangement nicht vorbereitet war. Dies entspricht nicht dem Standard unseres Hauses. Dies tut uns sehr leid.
Sie können sich sicher sein, dass wir uns Ihre wertvollen Anmerkungen zu Herzen nehmen und dazu mit dem betroffenen Abteilungsleiter im Gespräch waren. Sie haben Ihr Anliegen mit den Mitarbeitern bereits eingehend besprochen und wird dafür Sorge tragen, dass sich ähnliche Vorkommnisse in Zukunft nicht wiederholen.
Sehr geehrter Herr Schimanke, wir nehmen Ihre Kritik und Anregungen sehr ernst und hoffen, dass Sie sich bei einem weiteren Besuch unseres Hauses von der Verbesserung der angesprochenen Punkte überzeugen können.
Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Ihr Relexa Waldhotel Team
Thank you for your feedback on your stay in our house.
We are pleased that you felt comfortable in our house.
We would like to inform you about the parking lot in front of our house that it is privately owned and we have no influence on it (neither on the pricing nor on the handling). We are only allowed to validate the parking tickets with us, so that we can charge you for these costs.
Our Finnish sauna has a larger defect than expected. The technical department and the specialist company are doing everything they can to rectify this defect as quickly as possible. We would like to apologize in all forms for the inconvenience caused.
We hope to welcome you again soon in our house.
Kind regards
Your relexa forest hotel team
Thank you for the great review of our hotel! We are glad that you enjoyed your stay and hope to see you again very soon.
your relexa Waldhotel Team
Thank you for your great feedback on your stay in our house.
We are pleased that you felt comfortable in our house.
It was a great pleasure for us to give you a great time in our house!
We would like to inform you about the parking lot in front of our house that it is privately owned and we have no influence on it (neither on the pricing nor on the handling). We are only allowed to validate the parking tickets with us, so that we can charge you for these costs.
We would be happy to welcome and pamper you again as a guest in our house or in one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany.
With kind regards
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
Thank you for the good rating you gave our hotel. We are glad that you enjoyed your stay with us and we hope to welcome you again soon!
With kind regards
Your relexa forest hotel team
Thank you for the good rating you gave our hotel. We are glad that you enjoyed your stay with us and we hope to welcome you again soon!
With kind regards
Your relexa forest hotel team
Thank you for the good rating you gave our hotel. We are glad that you enjoyed your stay with us and we hope to welcome you again soon!
With kind regards
Your relexa forest hotel team
Thank you very much for the feedback concerning your stay in our hotel. We very much regret that it was not to your entire satisfaction.
We appreciate your comment. Only with your critique we are able to improve our standard continually.
Regarding your feedback on parking fees we would like to inform you, that this property is in private hands. Unfortunately we have no influence on the fees or the handling.
Dear Vitomir, we would be pleased to welcome you again at the relexa Waldhotel Schatten in the near future.
With kind regards,
Relexa Waldhotel Team
We are very pleased to read how comfortable you felt with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It was a lot of fun! We are happy to pass on the positive feedback to all employees.
Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
Thank you for taking the time to share your valuable feedback with us.
We always strive to ensure that our guests have an excellent and memorable stay, so we are all the more sorry that you were not satisfied with your stay in our house.
We are sorry to hear that so much went wrong during your stay. This does not correspond to the standard of our house. We are very sorry.
We can understand your anger and disappointment very well. You can be sure that we will take your valuable comments to heart and have spoken to the department head concerned. You have already discussed your concern with the employees in detail and will ensure that similar incidents do not happen again in the future.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused and would like to apologize to you in all forms.
Dear Thomas, we would be very pleased if you would give us another opportunity to convince you of our services and if we could welcome you again soon.
With kind regards
Your Relexa Waldhotel team
With kind regards
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
Thank you for your feedback on your stay in our house.
Your compliments about our breakfast and the friendliness of the staff made us very happy and we are happy to pass this on to all employees.
However, we also regret to note that you did not feel completely comfortable during your stay.
We have passed on your criticism of the food to our chef. The performance you have experienced is not up to our standard and we apologize for that.
We would be pleased if we could convince you again of our services and welcome you back to our house.
Kind regards,
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
Thank you for the good rating you gave our hotel. We are glad that you enjoyed your stay with us and we hope to welcome you again soon!
With kind regards
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
Thank you for posting your feedback also on Google. We are sorry to read that your stay was not to your full satisfaction. Unfortunately, due to the hotel's location on the edge of the forest, we cannot change anything about the circumstances. On our homepage, we therefore recommend arriving by taxi. We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused and would like to apologize to you in all forms.
We have forwarded your comment about the hair dryer and the towel to our housekeeper and the building services and we will take care of it in any case. Nevertheless, we think it's a pity that you didn't give us the opportunity to achieve a positive change for you directly on site. Our reception team is available around the clock for any request. Dear Henry, We hope that you still had a good time in Stuttgart, and of course we are at your disposal for any questions or further comments.
Your relexa forest hotel team
nice that you felt comfortable in our house. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your positive feedback. It was a pleasure for us to make your stay a pleasant one. Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
Thank you for taking the trouble to tell us about your impressions of your stay in our house. Your opinion is important to us.
It is with regret that we have noted that our staff did not treat you in a way that corresponds to the standard of our house. We are very sorry. We have discussed your comment with our department heads and will point this out to our staff and train them again in a targeted manner.
Dear Tuma, we would like to thank you for the trust you have placed in the relexa Waldhotel Schatten and we look forward to you giving us the opportunity to convince you of our service on your next visit. Kind regards
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
Thank you for taking the time to write to us about your impressions of your stay. Your assessments are important to us and only with your constructive criticism are we able to continually review and improve our services. As we have gathered from your evaluation, you have felt comfortable in our house. We very much regret the inconvenience regarding the WLAN reception and would like to take this opportunity to apologize in all forms. We will have the connection speed checked by the provider and thank you for the information. Dear Paul, we would be happy to welcome you back to our house and convince you of our services.
With kind regards
Your relexa forest hotel team
Thank you for taking the time to tell us about your impressions of your stay in our house. Your reviews are important to us. We are also happy to receive suggestions, and your constructive criticism in particular helps us to check and improve our service and performance. As we can see from your comments, you did not feel comfortable in your home. We very much regret this. We would like to formally apologize for the inconveniences during your stay. In the past year we have carried out numerous renovation measures in our house to make it more attractive for our guests. We will not rest on our laurels this year either, but will take further measures.
Dear Toni Herold, we thank you for your assessment and look forward to your journey leading you back to us and if we can welcome you again as a guest in our house so that we can convince you of our services.
With kind regards
Your relexa forest hotel team
Thank you for taking the time to write us your feedback about your stay.
Ensuring our guests have a nice and pleasant stay is our daily aim. For this reason we are very sorry that you were not satisfied with your stay in our house.
We have recorded your comment on the internet connection and passed it on to our building services for follow-up. Depending on the requirements, our conference rooms are prepared accordingly and additional conference technology can be made available on site or on request, depending on the type of technology.
We would like to apologize for the inconvenience this caused you during your meeting!
Dear Mr. Schlager, we take your criticism and suggestions very seriously and would be very pleased if you would give us the opportunity to convince you of the improvement of the points mentioned when you visit our company again.
Kind regards
Your team from the relexa Waldhotel Schatten Stuttgart
Thank you for taking the time to rate us.
We have forwarded your comments to the relevant department managers.
We hope to see you again in our Hotel.
with kind regards
relexa Waldhotel Team
that you felt comfortable in our house. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your positive feedback. It was a pleasure for us to make your stay a pleasant one. Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
Thank you for your feedback. We are very pleased to read how comfortable you felt with us and that we were able to give you a great time.
Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 8 relexa hotels in Germany.
We look forward to you!
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
Thank you for taking the time to share your valuable feedback with us.
We always strive to ensure that our guests have an excellent and memorable stay, so we are all the more sorry that you were not satisfied with your stay in our house.
It is with regret that we have noted that our staff did not treat you in a way that corresponds to the standard of our house. We are very sorry. We have discussed this with the responsible department heads and will instruct and train our staff again.
We have also forwarded the comment regarding the warm dishes at the breakfast buffet to our head chef. Employees have already been made aware of this.
Dear Betti Firstclass, please be assured that we will take your valuable advice to heart and will ensure that such problems are permanently rectified.
We would therefore be very pleased if you would give us another opportunity to convince you of our services and if we could welcome you again soon.
With kind regards
Your Relexa Waldhotel team
Thank you for the good rating you gave our hotel. We are glad that you enjoyed your stay with us and we hope to welcome you again soon!
With kind regards
Your Relexa Waldhotel team
We are very pleased to read how comfortable you felt with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It was a lot of fun! We are happy to pass on the positive feedback to all employees.
Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 8 relexa hotels in Germany.
We look forward to you!
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
Thank you for your great review. We are very pleased that you felt comfortable in our house. It was a lot of fun for us to prepare you a nice stay. We are happy to pass on your positive feedback to all employees.
We look forward to welcoming and pampering you again at the relexa Waldhotel Schatten.
Your team from the relexa Waldhotel Schatten
We are very pleased to read that you felt at home with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It is extremely important that you felt that you were in good hands and that we were able to support you in all matters. We would be delighted to welcome you again as our guest. Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
dear steve,
We are very pleased to read that you felt at home with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It is extremely important that you felt that you were in good hands and that we were able to support you in all matters. We would be delighted to welcome you again as our guest.
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
Thank you for taking the time to share your valuable feedback with us.
We always strive to ensure that our guests have an excellent and memorable stay, so we are all the more sorry that you were not satisfied with your stay in our house.
You can be sure that we will take your valuable comments to heart and have spoken to the department head concerned. You have already discussed your concern with the employees in detail and will ensure that similar incidents do not happen again in the future.
We would like to apologize in all forms for the inconvenience caused.
Dear Neda, we take your criticism and suggestions very seriously and hope that you will be able to convince yourself of the improvement of the points mentioned when you visit our house again.
With kind regards
Your Relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
Thank you for taking the time to share your valuable feedback with us.
We always strive to ensure that our guests have an excellent and memorable stay, so we are all the more sorry that you were not satisfied with your stay in our house.
It is a pity that you did not give us the opportunity to achieve a positive change for you directly on site. We have already communicated the points raised to the department head concerned. You have already discussed your concern with the employees in detail and will ensure that similar incidents do not happen again in the future.
We would like to apologize in all forms for the inconvenience caused.
Dear guest, we take your criticism and suggestions very seriously and hope that you will be able to convince yourself of the improvement of the points mentioned when you visit our house again.
Kind regards
Your Relexa Waldhotel team
Thank you for the good rating and the great cooperation. We look forward to welcoming you again soon!
With kind regards
nice that you felt comfortable in our house. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your positive feedback. It was a pleasure for us to make your stay a pleasant one. Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 8 relexa hotels in Germany.
We look forward to you!
Your Relexa Waldhotel team
Thank you for taking the time to share your valuable feedback with us.
We always strive to ensure that our guests have an excellent and memorable stay, so we are all the more sorry that you were not satisfied with your stay in our house.
It's a pity that we didn't have the opportunity to achieve a positive change for you directly on site. We have already communicated the points raised to the department head concerned. You have already discussed your concern with the employees in detail and will ensure that similar incidents do not happen again in the future.
We very much regret the inconvenience regarding the WLAN reception and would like to take this opportunity to apologize. We will have the connection speed checked by the provider and thank you for the information.
We hope that you still had a good time in Stuttgart, and we will of course be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Kind regards
Your Relexa Waldhotel team
Thank you for your feedback on your stay in our house.
We are very sorry to hear that you did not feel comfortable in our house.
The fact that during your stay the television was not working and no assistance was offered is unacceptable and not up to our standards.
In recent years we have carried out numerous renovation measures in our house so that it remains attractive for our guests. Most recently, all of our elevators have been replaced with new ones. We will not rest in the coming months either, but will take further measures to satisfy you as a guest.
We would like to apologize in all forms for the inconvenience caused.
You can be sure that we will take your valuable comments to heart and have spoken to the department head concerned. You have already discussed your concern with the employees in detail and will ensure that similar incidents do not happen again in the future.
Dear Mr. Becker, We hope that you still had a good time in Stuttgart, and we would of course be happy to answer any questions you may have or make any further comments.
Your Relexa Waldhotel team
We are very pleased to read that you felt at home with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It is extremely important that you felt that you were in good hands and that we were able to support you in all matters. We would be delighted to welcome you again as our guest.
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
Thank you for taking the time to share your valuable feedback with us.
We always strive to ensure that our guests have an excellent and memorable stay, so we are all the more sorry that you were not satisfied with your stay in our house.
We are sorry to hear that our staff in the restaurant did not meet the standard of our establishment. We are very sorry. We have discussed this with the responsible department head and will instruct and train our staff again.
We had the speed of the WiFi connection checked by the provider.
The speed in your room is 22.53 Mbit/s.
We apologize for the incorrect invoicing. It was a human error and not malicious intent. The invoice was corrected immediately and in your presence.
Dear Mr. Förster, please be assured that we will take your valuable advice to heart and will ensure that such problems are permanently resolved.
We would therefore be very pleased if you would give us another opportunity to convince you of our services and if we could welcome you again soon.
With kind regards
Your Relexa Waldhotel team
thank you for the great review of our hotel!
We are glad that you enjoyed your stay and hope to see you again very soon.
Relexa Waldhotel Stuttgart Team
Thank you for taking the time to share your valuable feedback with us.
We always strive to ensure our guests have an excellent and memorable stay, so we are all the more sorry that you were not satisfied with your stay in our home.
Unfortunately, we cannot understand your comment related to the technology.
nice that you felt comfortable in our house. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your positive feedback. We will be more than happy to pass on your kind words to all of our staff.
Your Relexa Waldhotel team
We are very pleased to read that you felt at home with us and that we were able to give you a great time.
It was a lot of fun! We are happy to pass on the positive feedback to all employees.
Maybe we can spoil you again with us.
We look forward to you!
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
Thank you for the good rating you gave our hotel. We are glad that you enjoyed your stay with us and we hope to welcome you again soon!
Your Relexa Waldhotel Stuttgart team
We are very pleased to read that you felt at home with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It is extremely important that you felt that you were in good hands and that we were able to support you in all matters.
We are happy to pass on the positive feedback to all employees.
We would be delighted to welcome you again as our guest.
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
Thank you for taking the time to share your valuable feedback with us.
We understand your anger and disappointment.
The hotel had a two-week non-operational period through August. This was decided centrally. I can assure you that we communicated the decision to the guests who had already booked immediately and in good time. Unfortunately, we cannot understand your bad rating because of this.
We are very sorry for this inconvenience and would like to ask you to apologize in all forms.
We would be delighted if you gave us another opportunity to convince you of our services and if we could welcome you soon.
Kind regards,
Your team from the relexa Waldhotel Schatten
thank you very much for the feedback concerning your stay in our hotel. We very much appreciate it and we are especially pleased about the fact, that you enjoyed your stay at our house. We would be glad to welcome you again at the relexa Waldhotel Schatten in the near future.
Kind regards,
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten Team
We are very pleased to read how comfortable you felt with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It was a lot of fun! We are happy to pass on the positive feedback to all employees.
With kind regards
Your Relexa Waldhotel team in Stuttgart
Kind regards,
Relexa Waldhotel Stuttgart Team
Thank you for your feedback. We are pleased that you liked our house and especially the friendliness of the staff.
However, we are sorry to read that you were not completely satisfied with your stay.
In recent years we have already carried out numerous renovations in our house (e.g. in the rooms, in the lobby and recently also the replacement of the elevators) so that it remains attractive for our guests. We will not rest in the coming months either, but will take further measures to satisfy you as a guest.
We are very sorry that the hot water in your room did not work properly. The technical department has already been informed and will take care of it as soon as possible.
Of course, our reception team is also available to you around the clock during your stay for such matters.
We would like to apologize in all forms for any inconvenience caused by this.
We would be pleased if we could welcome you again in our house and convince you of our services.
Kind regards,
Your Relexa Waldhotel team in Stuttgart
Thank you for taking the time to share your valuable feedback with us.
We always strive to ensure that our guests have an excellent and memorable stay, so we are all the more sorry that you were not satisfied with your stay in our house.
It is a pity that you did not give us the opportunity to achieve a positive change for you directly on site. We have already communicated the points raised to the department head concerned. You have already discussed your concern with the employees in detail and will ensure that similar incidents do not happen again in the future
Each room is equipped with a welcome letter as well as a QR code and the associated explanation. There our guests can find all information about the house and our service.
In addition, our reception team is of course available to you around the clock for any request during your stay.
We would like to apologize in all forms for the inconvenience caused.
Dear Johannes, we take your criticism and suggestions very seriously and hope that you will be able to convince yourself of the improvement of the points mentioned when you visit our house again.
Kind regards
Your Relexa Waldhotel team
We are very pleased to read how comfortable you felt with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It is extremely important that you felt that you were in good hands and that we were able to support you in all matters. We are happy to pass on your compliments about the breakfast to our chef and restaurant manager.
We would be happy to welcome you again as our guest at the relexa Waldhotel Schatten in the future.
Kind regards
Your Relexa Waldhotel team
Thank you for the good rating you gave our hotel. We are glad that you enjoyed your stay with us and we hope to welcome you again soon!
Kind regards
Your Relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
Thank you for your feedback on your stay in our house. As we can see from your comments, you did not feel comfortable in our house. We are very sorry.
We regret to have noted that our service staff did not treat you in the way that corresponds to the standard of our house. We apologize for any inconvenience. We have spoken to our restaurant manager and will make our service staff more aware of this.
We have recorded your comment on the WLAN and our building services will look into it.
Thank you for the trust you have placed in us and we would be delighted if you would give us the opportunity to convince you of our service on your next visit.
Kind regards,
H. Dimoulas,
Guest Relations Manager
Thank you for taking the time to share your valuable feedback with us.
We always strive to ensure that our guests have an excellent and memorable stay, so we are all the more sorry that you were not satisfied with your stay in our house.
You can be sure that we will take your valuable comments to heart and have spoken to the department head concerned. You have already discussed your concern with the employees in detail and will ensure that similar incidents do not happen again in the future.
We would like to apologize in all forms for the inconvenience caused.
Dear Stefan, we take your criticism and suggestions very seriously and hope that you will be able to convince yourself of the improvement of the points mentioned when you visit our house again.
With kind regards
Your Relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
I'm a bit confused about the comment because we were able to clarify the situation via Email.
you have booked a discounted rate that is non-cancellable and non-refundable. This Information was shown on the booking.
I would recommend a flexible rate for your next booking. The rate can be freely canceled up to the day of arrival.
Best regards
Guest Relation Management
Dear Mr Stone,
We are very pleased to read that you felt at home with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It is extremely important that you felt that you were in good hands and that we were able to support you in all matters.
We are happy to pass on the positive feedback to Ms. Hindennach and all employees.
We would be delighted to welcome you again as our guest.
With kind regards
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
Thank you for the good rating you gave our hotel. We are glad that you enjoyed your stay with us and we hope to welcome you again soon!
Kind regards
Your Relexa Waldhotel Schatten team
We gladly accept suggestions and your constructive criticism in particular helps us to check and improve our service and performance.
It is with regret that we have noted that our staff did not treat you in a way that corresponds to the standard of our house. We have already discussed your points of criticism with all department heads and will better teach and train our staff. At the same time, we would like to formally apologize to you.
Unfortunately, we also had to adjust our pricing due to the current situation and the sharply rising prices in all areas.
Dear Michaela, we would like to thank you for the trust you have placed in the relexa Waldhotel Schatten and look forward to you giving us the opportunity to convince you of our service on your next visit.
Kind regards
H. Dimoulas
Guest Relations Manager
nice that you felt comfortable in our house. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your positive feedback. It was a pleasure for us to make your stay a pleasant one. Maybe we can spoil you again with us or welcome you to one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany. We look forward to you!
Kind regards
Your Relexa Waldhotel team
Thank you for taking the time to share your impressions of your recent stay with us. Your feedback is very important to us as it helps us to identify weaknesses in our processes and thus continually improve our service.
We are sorry to hear that you did not like the room in the economy category.
Unfortunately, the rooms in the main building cannot be structurally modified due to the existing monument protection. For your next stay, we recommend our more spacious and quiet superior rooms in the extension on the forest side for a small surcharge.
We have passed on your criticism of the food to our chef.
We are very sorry that you did not enjoy the dishes offered.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused and would like to apologize to you in all forms.
We hope that you still had a good time in Stuttgart, and we will of course be happy to answer any questions you may have or make any further comments.
Kind regards
Your Relexa Waldhotel team
Thank you for taking the time to share your valuable feedback with us.
As we can see from your comments, you did not feel completely comfortable in your home. We very much regret this.
In recent years we have carried out numerous renovation measures in our house so that it remains attractive for our guests. We will not rest in the coming months either, but will take further measures to satisfy you as a guest.
We would therefore be very pleased if you would give us another opportunity to convince you of our services and if we could welcome you again soon.
Best Regards,
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
Thank you for taking the time to share your valuable feedback with us.
We always strive to ensure our guests an excellent and memorable stay, so we are all the more sorry,
that you were not completely satisfied with your stay in our house.
It is with regret that we have noted that our staff did not treat you in a way that corresponds to the standard of our house. We are very sorry. We have discussed your comment with our department heads and will point this out to our staff and train them again in a targeted manner.
We have forwarded your comments about the rooms and bathrooms to our housekeeper and the building services department and we will definitely take care of them as soon as possible.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused and would like to apologize to you in all forms.
Dear Mr. Fleischer, we take your criticism and suggestions very seriously and hope that you still had a good time in Stuttgart. We are of course at your disposal for any questions or further comments.
We are very pleased to read how comfortable you felt with us and that we were able to give you a great time. It was a lot of fun! We are happy to pass on the positive feedback to all employees.
Kind regards
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten Stuttgart
Thank you for your feedback on your stay in our house.
However, we also regret to note that you did not feel completely comfortable during your stay.
We have passed on your criticism of the food and staff to our chef. The performance you have experienced is not up to our standard and we apologize for that. We will train our staff again in this regard.
We would be pleased if we could convince you again of our services and welcome you back to our house.
Kind regards,
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
Thank you for your feedback on your stay in our house. We are pleased that you noticed the friendliness of our employees. We are happy to pass this praise on to all colleagues.
However, as we can see from your other comments, you did not feel completely comfortable in your home. We very much regret this.
In recent years we have carried out numerous renovation measures in our house so that it remains attractive for our guests. We will not rest in the coming months either, but will take further measures to satisfy you as a guest.
We would therefore be very pleased if you would give us another opportunity to convince you of our services and if we could welcome you again soon.
Best Regards,
Your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
Thank you very much for the feedback concerning your stay in our hotel. We very much appreciate it and we are very pleased, that you enjoyed your stay at our house.
We will gladly forward your compliments to our staff and we would be pleased to welcome you again at the relexa Waldhotel Schatten in the near future.
Kind regards,
nice that you felt comfortable in our house. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your positive feedback. It was a pleasure for us to make your stay a pleasant one. Your rating and star rating is not entirely understandable for us. Maybe just a mistake crept in. We would be very happy about a 5 star rating.
If you have any further inquiries, we will be happy to address them
Your Relexa team from Stuttgart
Thank you for taking the time to tell us about your impressions of your stay in our house. Your reviews are important to us. As we can see, you did not feel completely comfortable during your stay in our house. We passed on your constructive criticism to both our restaurant manager and our head chef. Of course, this does not correspond to our standard. We very much regret this inconvenience and would like to ask you to apologize in all forms.
Dear Mr. Behrendt, we would be pleased if you would give us another opportunity to convince you of our services and if we could welcome you again soon.
Kind regards
thank you very much for the feedback concerning your stay in our hotel. We very much appreciate it and we are especially pleased about the fact, that you enjoyed your stay at our house. We would be glad to welcome you again at the relexa Waldhotel Schatten in the near future.
Kind regards,
Thank you for your feedback on your stay in our house.
Your compliments about our breakfast and the friendliness of the staff made us very happy and we are happy to pass this on to all employees.
We apologize that the food in our fireplace restaurant did not meet your expectations. We have forwarded this to our kitchen manager and discussed it with him.
Dear Mrs. Harms, we look forward to welcoming you back to the relexa Waldhotel Schatten and being able to convince you of our services.
Kind regards
Relexa Waldhotel Schatten Stuttgart
Thank you for taking the time to describe your impressions of your stay. Your reviews are very important to us, because only through your constructive criticism can we review and improve our service and performance.
As we have read, you were not completely satisfied with the breakfast. We are sorry. The quality you experienced does not meet the standard of our house and we apologize for this. We have forwarded your comment to our chef.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the positive feedback. Our team was very happy about that! It was a great pleasure for us to be able to look after you.
Dear Christiane, we would be happy to welcome and pamper you again as a guest in our house or in one of the other 9 relexa hotels in Germany.
Kind regards, your relexa Waldhotel Schatten
thank you very much for the feedback concerning your stay in our hotel. We very much appreciate it and we are especially pleased about the fact, that you enjoyed your stay at our house. We would be glad to welcome you again at the relexa Waldhotel Schatten in the near future.
Kind regards,
Relexa Waldhotel Schatten Team
Thank you for the good rating you gave our hotel. We are glad that you enjoyed your stay with us and we hope to welcome you again soon!
Kind regards
the relexa Waldhotel Schatten Stuttgart
Thank you for taking the time to rate our hotel. Your feedback is very important to us as it helps us to identify weaknesses in our processes and thus continually improve our service.
What did you miss? And how can we improve our service to you? We would be very pleased if you would find the time and tell us. You are welcome to contact us personally. We are always available to you by phone or email.
Kind regards
Relexa Waldhotel Schatten Stuttgart
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"Wir freuen uns über 80% Weiterempfehlung durch unsere Hotelgäste."